Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tanzania is pretty amazing

Hello! I knew that when I started this blog, I would be faced with initial disinterest. My friend Judy told me about 1.5 years ago that blogging was passe. If it was passe 1.5 years ago, is it super passe now, or is it retro? Food for thought. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that people are keeping up - I'll try to make things more interesting in the future!

Anyway, right now I'm in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We arrived on Monday and did 2 half-day trainings yesterday and today. The group we were training is called the Mkapa fellows, and they are Tanzanian clinicians who receive additional training and salary as incentive to spend 3 years in a rural district providing HIV care. It's an interesting mix of people who seem genuinely committed to caring for people who have harder access to care and those who are doing it for the financial incentives. Either way, I think the benefit of their participation will outweigh any possible concerns about their decision to participate.

We've finalized our safari plans: we're going to a place called Mikumi for the weekend of September 8th. There will be a link on this blog to more information about the park, but I have been guaranteed that it will be the best experience of my life. So stay tuned!

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