Thursday, August 24, 2006

The great eyepatch bet of '06

As many of you know, I was recently involved in a bet. For those of you who don't, I'll give you a quick rundown of the terms. I work with 3 other people, 2 of whom are with me in Ethiopia (Meg and Adam) and 1 of whom (Elizabeth) is not, largely due to the fact that she was due to give birth this week. Being the unique group we are, Meg, Adam and I placed a bet on the sex of Elizabeth's impending child.

The bets:
Meg: baby will be a girl
Adam and Kate: baby will be a boy

The stakes:
Loser(s) has/have to wear an eyepatch on the flight to Ethiopia.

For some reason, I felt quite confident that this baby would be a boy. Many of you might know that I rarely place bets that I'm not 98% certain I'll win. This was a clear exception, because it's obvious that there's no way I could have any certainty in this bet. Nonetheless, the hands were shaken and the bet was on.

This past Saturday night, I had a get together with a number of my friends and coworkers to celebrate my impending departure. Around 9pm, we received a text message. The sender was Elizabeth, and the message said the following: 2 I patches. Girl.

As I try to be true to my word (with the one exception of when I bet Kersten that she couldn't make a basketball shot and she did and then I didn't pay up - Kersten, I'll make it up to you some day, I promise), I slapped the patch on immediately when we got seated at the gate at Logan.

In case you're wondering, the matching outfits weren't part of the bet, it just so happens that all 3 of us wore the exact same outfit for our flight. Jeans + black t shirt: the CSHOR uniform.

Prizes may be awarded to the person who can come up with the best plausible explanation for why 2 people travelling together might both be wearing eye patches on opposite eyes.


Anonymous said...

I'm really liking this blog. The immediacy of getting to see you in your eye patch makes all other concerns disappear. I am, however, beginning to fear for the Africans whom you will encounter and what their reactions to such an appearance might be. I'm wondering also how your fellow passengers responded in these days of heightened security concerns. Must have been an interesting trip for lots of people! Where in the world are you now?

Anonymous said...

Kate, I'm still waiting for my $20! This is your final warning before I send this claim on to a collection agency. (That was one heck of a shot, if I do say so myself!) I hope you guys didn't do any permanent damage to your 20/20 vision! Adam might find he really does need those glasses after all!

Anonymous said...

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