Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A new addition: contest included

This past Sunday, Adam went to a volleyball game at the US Embassy. On his way home, he and some others spotted a small animal in the road. It was moving a little bit, but then just lay in the road and went to sleep. It turns out this animal was a tiny puppy, and since we'd been talking about the possibility of getting a puppy here, this seemed like the perfect opportunity. So now we have a puppy! She remains nameless, and I'm looking to others to come up with names - the best entry will win the happiness of knowing that s/he named a puppy. Some important things that might help you in the naming contest:

1. She was found on Bole (pronounced Bo-lay) Road, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2. She has really bad lice

3. She likes to bite fingers

Here's a photo of her adorably chewing on a bone and one of me with her, so that no one accuses me of stealing photos from the internet...


Anonymous said...

Hi Kate -
It was wonderful to talk to you and hear about your new puppy. I'm sorry I had to talk in such a low voice but if Kuma and Ginger knew that you've found another dog there would be hell to pay. They think I'm grading papers now though so I can talk freely. Sometimes it really bothers me how they think they have to know all my business!
I love to see pictures of you, your house, your life in another place. Keep them coming. What a marvelous way to spend your birthday, although having a cake with your name spelled out in M&Ms is good too. Maybe we can do that at Christmas when you're home!

Leslie said...

That is a very cute dog - I hope you don't get puppy lice!

Here are my name suggestions :

1) Chewbacca (nickname Chewy)
2) Falcor