Monday, October 16, 2006

It's official: we have the cutest dog of all time

Like any proud parent, I will inundate this blog with photos of the puppy. Did I mention that our colleague Peter was so jealous of our puppy that he got one too? By the way, we gave her a name: Buna. And Peter's puppy is called Shai. What do these names mean? "Coffee" and "Tea." Still not sure if that's super cheesy or just on the line between cute and cheesy. Peter also has 2 dogs already, so here's a photo of Buna and Bobbee (he's one of the full grown dogs) and Buna and Shai. Try and tell me these puppies aren't adorable. The one downside is that I definitely have fleas.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A new addition: contest included

This past Sunday, Adam went to a volleyball game at the US Embassy. On his way home, he and some others spotted a small animal in the road. It was moving a little bit, but then just lay in the road and went to sleep. It turns out this animal was a tiny puppy, and since we'd been talking about the possibility of getting a puppy here, this seemed like the perfect opportunity. So now we have a puppy! She remains nameless, and I'm looking to others to come up with names - the best entry will win the happiness of knowing that s/he named a puppy. Some important things that might help you in the naming contest:

1. She was found on Bole (pronounced Bo-lay) Road, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2. She has really bad lice

3. She likes to bite fingers

Here's a photo of her adorably chewing on a bone and one of me with her, so that no one accuses me of stealing photos from the internet...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New house

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The past couple weeks have been pretty dull, but we did move into a new house, so here are some photos - The outside of the house, the living room/dining room, and my bedroom: