Wednesday, February 21, 2007

RIP Puppy

At about 9:15am today, our beloved puppy, Puppy, passed away. She started showing signs of sickness yesterday, and we brought her to the vet immediately, who diagnosed her with Tick Fever. After she showed no signs of improvement today, I brought her to the vet again, who gave her some more medicine and said she would be okay. On the way home, she stopped breathing and died in my arms. She was 3 months old.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I'm back...

I always thought that, given the opportunity, I would make a tremendous blogger. I like writing emails, and I like staying in touch with people, and I'm usually more interesting and funnier in writing than in person, so this seemed like the ideal medium. As it turns out, although those thing are still probably true, I can't get it together to keep this thing updated. But since I've been back in Ethiopia after a lovely vacation back to the US, a lot of things have happened. I'll tell you what they are, and you can vote on which ones you want to hear about in more detail. See, this gives you an impetus for leaving a comment, which is the only way if I know anyone is reading...

1. This actually happened before I left, but I found and kept another dog
2. I went back to Tanzania, and this time visited Zanzibar
3. We got kicked out of our house (also before I left) but just found a new place (which happened recently)

My inclination is to write first about the puppy, but a colleague recently told me that I was too proud of my dogs and that when I have kids I'm going to be the annoying mother on the sidelines of my kids' soccer games. Everyone would tolerate listening to me talk endlessly about how wonderful my kids were, but then would secretly hate me. If this is true, I'll pass on writing too much about the puppies, but can tell you about the glories of Zanzibar or my new pink house.